45 Degree Elbow

Discover the Essential Benefits of the 45 Degree Elbow

Introduction In the world of plumbing and piping systems, selecting the right fittings is crucial to ensure efficiency, reliability, and durability. One such essential fitting is the 45 degree elbow. This fitting, although small, plays a significant role in various applications, providing numerous benefits that enhance the overall performance of the piping system. In this…

cpvc elbow

CPVC Elbow

Introduction CPVC ELBOW: CPVC elbow fittings are plastic fittings that are used to connect two pipes at a specific angle. This is done to provide flexibility, reduce friction and turbulence in the plumbing systems.CPVC stands for Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride which is a very strong and rigid polymer that withstands temperatures upto 93 Deg C.CPVC elbows…

plumbing elbow

Plumbing Elbow

Introduction PLUMBING ELBOW: The function of a plumbing elbow is to provide a bend in the network of pipes wherever required, just like the human body, where the elbow helps in bending of limbs. These are made up of PVC polymer hence are sometimes known simply as PVC elbows or PVC Bend. The elbows connect…


PVC Elbow

Introduction PVC ELBOW : It’s hard to imagine a pvc elbow at once, but the work of the PVC Elbow is mostly the same as a human elbow, it helps to bend the plumbing pipes to be bent at certain angles as straight pipes just can’t do all the work by themselves. It’s either right, left, up,…